Nettoyant Pierre Universel - 650g
Universal Stone, le nettoyant polyvalent écologique 100% biodégradable. Nettoie, polit et conserve. Super sur n'importe quelle surface.
Universal Stone, le nettoyant polyvalent écologique 100% biodégradable. Nettoie, polit et conserve. Super sur n'importe quelle surface.
This is the best cleaning product ever!
Greetings Victoria!
Thank you for introducing us to this product. It’s interesting that we have never heard of it until you brought it to our attention in the store. The outcome of using this product is excellent (and I am not being paid to write that!). And yet, trust Germany to produce a cleaning product that is excellent. I have tried it on various projects, but one that really stands out is in the bathroom. It does great results with the porcelain sink and bath tub. Our bathroom is an original 1960s (yeah I know, it doesn’t have double sinks, a fabulous slipper tub). It really did a great job with very little effort. And of course there is no chemical smells etc. So…I would encourage anyone looking for a great all purpose cleaner to consider purchasing it. And yes…it is a bit more than the common cleaners. But remind one of “you get what you pay for”.
Daniel and Frank