Memories of Provence, Lyon, Paris, Marseille, Bordeaux...
We miss travelling and eating delicious food from all over the world, We're sure you do too! One way that we connect to our love of travel is in the kitchen. So, on this cold & snowy February morning, we are reminiscing of past travel and immersion in all things French.
France is a country of great history, revolution, art, romance, and of course, incredible food! Croissants, ratatouille, tarte tatin, pommes dauphinoise, coq au vin... there are loads of wonderful dishes given to the world by France.
It's no surprise that the French also bring us wonderful tools for the kitchen. We have so many amazing French product partners at Cookery. Every one of them is expertly and lovingly handpicked to deliver quality and enjoyment in the kitchen. While we talk about our biggest cookware partners a lot, today, we are going to give some love to our lesser known French favourites.
We are here to make sure you have everything you need to take a culinary trip and cook like "un expert"! Take a peak at the collection below to see a few you many not have tried yet.
We have loved seeing you all in Westmount, now that we have reopened. Thank you for visiting and please, don't be a stranger!
We are really hoping to open in Toronto on February 22nd - please keep your fingers crossed for us - even better: stay distant, wear your mask, and wash you hands! :)
Live well, love well, eat well,
Alison & the team at Cookery
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