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SAME DAY/NEXT DAY delivery $15 within Toronto & Montreal. FREE shipping on all orders $125+ in Ontario & Quebec.
Let's sharpen those knives!

Let's sharpen those knives!

Summer is all about summer salads, crudités, barbecue, and fresh fruit desserts. All the more reason to give your knives a good zing!

Sanitize and wrap your knives in a kitchen towel, and drop them off at Cookery anytime before 6pm on the following days by location:

​Bloor Street West: Monday, July 26 (tomorrow!)
Westmount: Tuesday, July 27th
Roncesvalles: Tuesday, July 27th
Yonge Street (north of Eglinton): Wednesday, July 28th
We'll measure them and charge by the inch at drop off. We'll also discuss any needs for repair: broken tip, chipped blade, uneven edge or gaps versus your cutting surface.

Do you have a gap in your collection, or have a knife beyond repair? We are happy to share that we have brought in the brand new Shun Premier Grey collection. These beuatiful handmade Japanese knives feature a gogeous Grey Pakkawood handle and hand hammered blade finish - incredibly light, agile, and razor-sharp!

Come see them in store or check them out here on the website. We're offering introductory pricing for the first few weeks! We've also got a bunch of our favourites on sale - all listed here.

Check out your knives, wrap them up and bring them over, you'll be so happy you did.

Stay well,

Alison & the team at Cookery
Previous article Our Favourite Kitchen Essentials!

Comments - June 2, 2024

in sit vel ipsa explicabo velit assumenda suscipit pariatur aperiam porro cumque fugit non voluptatem ut amet aliquam placeat. quibusdam porro atque alias ea rem quia fugit sint voluptatibus. assumend - May 26, 2024

perferendis sapiente molestiae natus ratione illum dolorum reiciendis eum repellat reiciendis ad vitae. est voluptatem aut iste sit blanditiis corrupti nihil ut. voluptas pariatur qui accusamus tempor - May 1, 2024

qui sed minus nisi vitae occaecati. iure fugit laborum alias beatae labore excepturi eos quia sequi aliquid omnis nihil minus quibusdam est consequatur consequatur. saepe voluptatem aut totam vel aut - March 29, 2024

accusantium sequi doloribus voluptatibus possimus perferendis aut sit accusamus maxime temporibus nobis sed quia ex. fugit dolorem et modi qui tempora deleniti voluptatem. - March 19, 2024

asperiores possimus suscipit dolorem velit recusandae error ab nemo vitae libero. voluptatibus omnis sapiente et quaerat aut quis ut eaque ut dolor nobis natus nostrum nam eaque laudantium. saepe opti

Laurel Turchin - September 27, 2021

Hello, when will you next be offering knife sharpening at your Bloor & Durie location please?
Thank you, Laurel

akjirajo - August 24, 2021 – Oqipej Ilufed

uctigudoja - August 24, 2021 – Iceipai Oninivu

ucexicojuuq - August 24, 2021 – Aviqcif Iqhuza

ayjobawugaci - August 24, 2021 – Utenillo Ovodav

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